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Growing an organic garden might appear very complicated and involved, but if you know what you are doing, it can be a very exciting experience. If you don't know what you are doing, you can waste a lot of money and watch alot of your plants die. The tips listed below can help you avoid this.

 Shoveling clay is very difficult and lots of work because the clay is hard and sticks to the shovel, making it tough to handle. To make the clay soft so you aren't working as hard, take floor or car wax and rub a light coat on the surface of the shovel using a clean cloth, then buff the surface. The shovel will glide through the clay and as a bonus, your shovel will be resistant to rust. When boiling or steaming vegetables, keep the water that the vegetables were cooked in and let it cool. Use the water to water the garden with. It is packed with all the vitamins and minerals that were in the vegetables when they were cooked and will help the plants grow as a natural plant food. Make use of an old golf bag to carry your tools such as spades and rakes around your garden. thông cống nghẹt quận 2 will save a lot of time and effort (and you'll have an excuse for a new golf bag!). The bag will keep them all together, so no more lost tools either. Many golf bags even have a stand, in this case you won't have to worry about it tipping over and causing an accident. Don't bother with expensive chemicals if your plants start to sport powdery mildew. Rather, you should mix a bit of baking soda with a small quantity of liquid soap in water. Once a week, spray this on plants to eliminate the mildew. Baking soda will bring no damage to your plants, and will treat the mildew in a gentle and efficient manner. Don't buy plant pots. Commercial plant plots from the garden center can be very expensive, anything from $5 to $100. Any container with a few draining holes pierced into the bottom of it can serve as a plant pot, so to save a lot of money, start recycling food containers today. A good but unusual organic solution for weeding your plants is try boiling your weeds way. Boiling water is a very safe alternative to other potent herbicides. Just douse the weeds directly with boiling water, taking care to avoid damaging nearby plants. What this does it essentially kill the weeds by damaging their roots. The result is that those weeds are unlikely to regrow. To make birds stay away from the produce you're growing in your garden, tie mylar balloons near your plants. These will scare away the birds and keep your fruit and veggies safe until you're ready to pick them. Silver balloons or balloons that sparkle in the sun make especially effective bird repellents. Brighten up your winter garden with trees that have interesting bark. A winter garden can tend to look bare and drab, especially if you live in a very cold climate. Three good choices are a paperbark maple, silver birch or scarlet willow. This will make a quite noticeable difference to the look of your garden. Did you know that watering your outdoor garden plants with garlic water can help to chase away pests? Just peel the leaves off several cloves of garlic and place them in a large container like a clean gallon size plastic milk jug. Fill the container with water and let the garlic steep for a day or two before watering your plants. If your home just has a small patio, you can still have a garden by growing plants in containers. Container gardening can give you the option to grow all kinds of flowers, plants, and even vegetables. You can also bypass the problem of frost by taking your containers inside during frosty weather. So, as you can see growing an organic garden is not as complicated as it appears. It is involved in terms of research, hard work, and patience, but the personal rewards make it worth it in the end. With the above tips in mind, you should be smarter when it comes to growing your own organic garden.

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